1941-1955 Walter Tuller Stuart

1941-1955 Walter Tuller Stuart


History of Walter Tuller Stuart
History of Walter Tuller Stuart

Walter Tuller Stuart was born in Worthington, Ohio on 1884 to George and Frances (Tuller) Stuart. In 1906 Stuart received his degree in electrical engineering from the University of Kansas. The Bell Telephone Company in Lawrence, Kansas, later employed him. From 1910-1920 he went to Valdez for the Lights Company to be their electrical engineer and electrician.

In 1918 he marries Pearl Miller in Valdez. From 1921-1935 be becomes the manger of the Prince William Sound Water Power, Light & Telephone Company and later the manager of the Ketchikan Public Utilities from 1935-1945.

In 1941 Governor Gruening appoints Stuart to the Board of Regents to succeed Wickersham. He was reappointed for another eight-year term in 1949.

Stuart became in charge of designing a hydroelectric plant for Sitka Public Utilities in 1946.

Stuart became a member of the Valdez city council and mayor for two terms, as well as the president of the Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce.

On December 2, 1954, Walter Tuller Stuart died in Ketchikan from a heart attack.

六合彩汇 Site named after Walter Stuart

Stuart Hall


Memorium, Board of Regents February 23, 1955


BOR file